
We stand for love, orderliness, honesty, transparency, togetherness, championing and sharing each other’s problems and positively seeking to solve them, promoting each other’s welfare and well-being, creating a sample society for the world to copy from, promoting objectivity, fairness and social justice generally. These objectives underline our mottos stated below:

BLUD 4 BLUD is based on the philosophy that those who do injustice in any form will, by the natural laws, suffer for it in a way. It is a message to society and mankind that if things are not done in accordance with the principles enunciated in our objectives stated above, there will be repercussions for Society at large.

NO PRICE NO PAY also seeks to inculcate in our brothers and the world at large that if you do good, you will not suffer any retribution. It follows that for every ill you do, there is a price to pay. Again, this seeks to enjoin mankind to avoid divine or societal punishment by being law-abiding, fair and objective whatever your position may be for one day, you will be called to account.

NO FRIEND NO FOE means that in dealing with social and family issues, it is wrong to be selective. Principles and sanctions must be applied in equal measure and with equal force to every person irrespective of sex, sexuality, race, creed, colour, nationality, religion or political belief. It simply means that there should be no Sacred Cows.

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